A movement in global eye care to multiply trainers for world impact.
In March of 2019, Vision Outreach International established a goal:
to “find or develop 200 mentors on missions annually within the next five years.”
Below are more details on the type of SKILLS we are looking for!
The primary responsibility of the Medical Support LEAD is to procure all the equipment, supplies, and medical workers needed to support the physician in the type of medical work that will be performed. This individual will help set up the international clinic and train personnel to perform medical duties.
There are a number of medical services that are include in this area of medical support. Some individuals may serve in more than one capacity.
History – This is an individual or individuals that speak the language of the people and can ask questions about the concerns a patient is experiencing. This information should be recorded in written form and kept with the patient until they ready to be discharged. (Individuals best qualified are: anyone)
Visual Acuity – This is an individual that is able to perform simple distant and near visual exams. (Individuals best qualified are: anyone)
Screening – This is an individual that can perform visual tests to check for APD, Light perception, and determine if a patient is a candidate for cataract surgery or any other type of surgery. (Individuals best qualified are: Ophthalmologists, Optometrists,RNs, COMT, COT, Others )
Drops – This individual assists each patient in preparing for surgery by securing the proper surgical apparel, and by starting the individual on a series of eye drops that numb and dilate the patience eye. (Individuals best qualified are: anyone)
Eye Technician -This is an individual that has been trained on how to use various eye equipment to determine the power and calculations of IOLs (Inner Ocular Lense) for cataract surgery. (Individuals best qualified are: COMT, COT, COA )
Transporter – This individual helps patients throughout the surgical process. They help the patient adorn the proper surgical attire, go to the bathroom, move them from testing, to blocking, to surgical theater, to discharge. (Individuals best qualified are: youth, interpreters, anyone)
Blocking – Each patient has to be giving a local anesthesia to numb the eye before surgery. Children are usually given general anesthesia unless they are old enough to lay still for the retrobulbar or peribulbar shot. This position requires a higher level of skill. (Individuals best qualified are: Physicians, Anesthesiologists, Nurse Anesthetists, RNs)
Central Processing – Surgical instruments and supplies need to be cleaned and sterilized before and between every surgery. This individual will have a knowledge of the sterilization process used in the clinic location and will work diligently to make sure everything is clean and sterile prior to beginning a surgery (Individuals best qualified are: youth, anyone)
Circulator – This individual works in the surgical room and opens the supplies that the surgical scrubs and the physicians need to perform surgery. Knowledge of sterile technique and opening supplies is necessary to perform this duty. (Individuals best qualified are: RNs, anyone)
Surgical Scrub – This individual works in a CLEAN environment, stands or sits next to the surgeon and assists them in surgery. Knowledge of surgical instruments and ophthalmic medical supplies is necessary to perform this task. Knowledge of sterile technique is a must for this position. (Individuals best qualified are: Surgical Scrubs, RNs, Trained Personnel)
Eye Surgeon – This is an individual that has been through medical school and ophthalmological residency, performs cataract and other surgical procedures, and has been certified by VOI personnel as a quality surgeon. Seldom is this position filled by someone without a medical eye degree. (Individuals best qualified are: Medical Eye Doctors and Approved Surgeons only)
Post-Op Inspector – This is an individual that helps the patient one day after the surgery, remove their eye patch, clear their eye, and perform a visual exam. (Individuals best qualified are: Ophthalmologists, Optometrist, & others)
Mechanic – An individual that has skills in equipment repairs and maintenance. When things break, this person fixes them. Because of limited resources, this person needs to be creative and flexible, available to fix most anything. (Individuals best qualified are: mechanically inclined.)
As a LEAD in MEDICAL SUPPORT, it is best to have someone who is familiar with the surgical mission process or has been on a sufficient number of mission trips. Even non-medical people can learn this position if they are willing to be trained. For LEADS in MEDICAL SUPPORT we will assist in instructing them in the following:
- How do you procure the necessary supplies for medical missions?
- How do you pack medical supplies for medical missions?
- Where can you barrow, rent, or purchase the equipment necessary for the mission?
- What is a clinical site assessment and how do you perform one?
- What do you need to think about when setting up a surgical theater (OR)?
- How to perform eye screening?
- Understanding eye drops and their use?
- How to you measure the eye for surgery? Performing A’s and K’s scans?
- Understanding the difference between sterilized, disinfected, and clean instruments and surfaces?
- How to take care of surgical instruments?
- Learning the different methods of preparing instruments for surgery. Statium, AutoClave, Boiling, Acidtone, Other
- Securing the best team members.
For more information please call (269) 588-0864 or email us at [email protected].