Thank you for submitting your application for the VOI Community Voucher Program. The information that you submitted is subject to verification and subject to review by federal and/or State enforcement agencies and others as required. A credit report may be requested and reviewed as required.
In order for us to process your application, see the additional supporting documents needed below.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Denise at [email protected]
In order to complete your application, we will need some supporting documents. To comply with some local, state, and federal regulations, please scan or take a picture and upload the following items: (UPLOAD BELOW)
If additional documents are needed, we will request them.
We will strive to daily hear and adhere to God’s word as written in the Bible, revealed through the life of Jesus and inspired by the Holy Spirit. I will strive to make His way – my way, His truth – my truth, and His life – my life as I become the word “made flesh” in my generation.
If you are paying for MULTIPLE Individuals (More than one registration) follow these steps.
If you have further questions, please contact us at [email protected]
We will strive to be a life-long learner, maintaining a teachable spirit in every situation and with every individual. I will use what I learn and share it with others, always striving to speak words that are meaningful, memorable, helpful, and repeatable. I will encourage everyone I teach to use what they have learned to teach others on a continual basis.
We will strive to give to, go on, or advocate for Global Eye Care Missions annually
We will strive to discipline ourselves to learn and improve our eye care skills like …
… in order to minimize the weights and distractions that seek to trip me and derail us and give full effort to accomplishing the goal of becoming the best eye care professional we can become.
(M.A.P. S)
The NAME links below will take you to a webpage where you can download that specific E-pub reader.