Africa 2018

You came to do medicine, but I came to have fun. It all started when my neighbor showed up with a new soccer ball. He said he had gotten it from the Christian Medical Clinic down the road. I was just standing there, he said, when a white lady in medical scrubs handed it to me. I don’t know what she was saying, but she left the ball with me.
The next day several friends and I decided to go and check things out. We stayed outside the clinic for most of the day because a group of foreigners were doing eye surgery. We could see through the back door of the clinic as several people walked down the hall. Some would wave at us, smile, or even do a little dance to the songs we were singing outside.
At the end of the day, several workers came outside and kicked the soccer ball with us. Most of them weren’t very good, but it was still fun. Just before they departed they gave us all a piece of candy on a stick. They smiled and waved and departed.
The group of us kids kept getting bigger each day. About 25 of us showed up on Friday. A man who spoke my language began to teach us songs and tell us stories. He told us about a god named Jesus who had lived a perfect life and died for everyone’s sins. I asked if this god was the same god we have heard about in our country. He said, no. This God was the one true God that came to save the world and change our lives.
I listened as he explained this good news. He then asked if any of us wanted to trust Jesus and commit to following him the rest of our lives. I, and seven others, gave our lives to Jesus.
I don’t think the medical team intended to share Jesus with a large group of kids. I guess it is just an added blessing of loving those right in front of you. You never know what might happen.
Thank you Vision Outreach International for doing eye care and for accepting each of us. The world is yet to see what impact we might have on our country in the future!