Our Vision
Vision Statement
Empowering the poor through sight restoration on a global scale in the name of Christ.
Mission Statement
We equip, enable, and train mentors in sight restoring skills and in Christ-like qualities through international mission endeavors, training camps & conferences, digital resources, networking, and devotionals, in order to give high quality vision care to the physically and spiritually blind around the world.
Key Verse
Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.
~ Matthew 20:34
Vision Outreach International began in 2001 through short-term mission endeavors. Since that time VOI has grown into a MAJOR advocate for helping the blind and the poor in under-served regions of the world. Not only do we send teams abroad, we develop ophthalmology surgical trainers and ancillary leaders who are encouraged to train others in the International MSICS (Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery) technique.
Through our Global Sight Alliance (globalsight.org) web portal, we develop a network of like-minded organizations, connecting quality eye care professionals with the greatest needs around the world. In addition, we have created an international network for collaboration and education through our web portal, which provide learning through multiple articles, webinars, and videos.
The groundwork was laid well before David N. Brown, M.D. (OPH, 95), took his first trip to Kenya in 1998. After completing his ophthalmological residency at the Cleveland Clinic in 1995, he joined Great Lakes Eye Care, a Christian Ophthalmological group practice in St. Joseph, Michigan. If not for the group's "like-mindedness" and support, Dr. Brown says that he would not have been able to go to Africa.
"The physicians at Great Lakes Eye Care have been a major factor in what I have been able to do," Dr. Brown says gratefully. “I've taken long leaves of absence, working overseas in the developing world. They have been a major support for me to being able to do that.” Vision Outreach International was birthed several years later.