Vision Outreach International & Global Sight Alliance
H O N O R I N G   C H R I S T  -  R E S T O R I N G   S I G H T    -    
both physically and spiritually


We organize and participate in several international mission trips a year to remain current in mission trends.


We provide web based learning opportunities (globalsight.org) and network with like-minded organizations to produce the BEST results for all.


We offer several MSICS training opportunities for board certified ophthalmologist, MULTIPLYING our future IMPACT.

Life Changing, Sight Restoring Surgeries
Because of your support,
the following was made possible

I M P A C T   D A T A


patients received sight evaluations and recommendations


patients received sight evaluations and recommendations


donated “IN -KIND” services and supplies to help the  blind poor.


volunteers gave their time and energy to assist us

Daniel was discovered in a remote village down a long rocky road and across a riverbed in the Dominican Republic.  His mother explained through tears that her son had cataract surgery in the left eye and could never see from that eye again. His right eye was now in need of surgery.  He had to drop out of school because he was blind and could not see the teacher.  It was determined, despite his young age, that Daniel was a candidate for surgery.  In just 20 minutes, under the direction of God, with appropriate equipment, specialized hands, and the inexhaustible solidarity of many people,  the life of Daniel was changed forever.  Going from blindness to 20/30 sight is a miracle.  Daniel is very happy and has returned to school. He now has hope and is not sentenced to a life of blindness because of his poverty.

2848 Niles Road / Saint Joseph, MI  49085  / 269-428-3300  / 269-588-0864

www.visionoutreach.org  / www.globalsight.org / www.yotogo.org / classroom.globalsight.org/


MSICS Training: Multiplying Outreach

I M P A C T   D A T A


A total of indigent people received life changing surgical procedures


patients received sight evaluations and recommendations


donated “IN -KIND” services and supplies to help the  blind poor.


volunteers gave their time and energy to assist us

Duranda Ash, MD says that she had the opportunity to learn Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS) from Dr. Diego in Honduras.  “It was an absolutely, incredible, life-changing experience.”   For quite some time she had been praying about her purpose in life and why God put her here.  Instantly she recognized that she should use her private practice to support a social clinic in the Bahamas where she resides.

“ It’s an incredible experience. He is an excellent surgeon and the most patient person I have ever met,” she says as she describes Dr. Diego and his MSICS training. You continually see his love for God and his people as well.” 

Networking with LIKE-MINDED Mission Agencies
Because of your support, the following was made possible

I M P A C T   D A T A


A total of indigent people received life changing surgical procedures


patients received sight evaluations and recommendations


donated “IN -KIND” services and supplies to help the  blind poor.


volunteers gave their time and energy to assist us


Heather had the opportunity to go with Benevolent Missions International to Belize on an eye mission trip that she found on the Global Sight Alliance website. Before clinic each morning and after lunch, a man from their group presented a Bible passage, the gospel message, and a Christian song. She was able to encourage a child who was completely blind and his mother prior to the child’s eye surgery. They ministered to over 500 patients and performed 96 surgeries. The oldest person to receive a cataract surgery was a sweet lady who was 105 years old. Heather, a low vision worker, is grateful for the encouragement that she received from the staff at GSA/VOI and is thankful for the Mission Map that helped connect her with this opportunity to serve.

2848 Niles Road / Saint Joseph, MI  49085  / 269-428-3300  / 269-588-0864

www.visionoutreach.org  / www.globalsight.org / www.yotogo.org / classroom.globalsight.org/


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